Registration > Registration fees
1) Create your account and fill the registration form 2) Registration fees can be paid by bank transfer, credit card or "bon de commande". Alternatively, registration fees may be paid at the conference desk (cash only). Fees
* To be confirmed by a letter signed by your head of department or director of your laboratory, and sent to the symposium secretariat (p-ischa@univ-rennes1.fr) ** Excursion to Mont St Michel: +40 euros (must be paid with the registration fees) ** Accommodation at the student residency (must be paid with the registration fees): For three nights (June 30th - July 3rd): +95 euros (including breakfast). For four nights (June 29th - July 3rd or June 30th - July 4th ): +125 euros (including breakfast only on June 30th - July 3rd). For five nights (June 29th - July 4th ): +155 euros (including breakfast only on June 30th - July 3rd). Please, note that the room and excursion should be payed directly to us before May 10th. Room and excursion reservations will not be possible any more after May 10th.
Payment of the registration fees entitles participants to attend the scientific sessions, coffee breaks, 3 lunches and to receive the conference program and book of abstracts.
Paiement par bon de commande (French participants)SIRET : 193509361.00013 (code APE : 803Z) à l'ordre de : Pour les bons de commande, bien préciser le nombre de personnes ainsi que les noms des participants. N'oubliez pas de préciser que le bon de commande concerne "2nd International Symposium on C-H Activation". Béatrice Mahi, Secrétariat du congrès C-H activation
Payment by Bank TransferSee informations in the following file: Bank transfer
CancellationNotifications of cancellation need to be submitted in writing and received by the secretary office before June 1st. 80% of the payment will be entitled to a refund. No refund will be possible for cancellation received after June 1st, 2014. |